
Lasserre Honey Cognac

The LASSERRE Liqueur Honey & Cognac is a quality cognac that went through a demanding selection process and some rigorous tastings by a tasting committee. It was the first honey cognac liquor in the market. A unique creation...

This unique brand was developed with the experience of Jean-Luc Braud, a famous blendmaster from France. Mixing honey, ginger, spices and secrets ingredients from South America, the result is simply unforgettable. All ingredients have been chosen for their natural benefits, as well as for their delicate flavor and work to achieve the perfect balance.

At each step of creation, all the best specialists participated in the realization of a concentrate of ancestral experience and knowledge that can be found only in the Cognac region. The goal was to get nothing but perfect texture and quality...

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Lasserre Honey Cognac




Category: Cognac,
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The full story about how I pursued international trade and became the Co-Creator of Lasserre Honey Cognac...

I heard about a step program that the Economic Development Department in Louisiana had which offered a $5000 grant to anyone willing to learn about exporting, so I said to my self, "what do I have to lose" and I decided give it a try... I wasn't sure about import/export as a career choice, but I was open to new opportunities to make money...
In May of 2013, I enrolled into a International Trade Course at the World Trade Center in New Orleans to learn about import/export... Once I had completed the course, I didn't have a product to sell, so I started searching online for a product to import, or export... While searching the Internet, I ran across a wine called Domain LASSERRE from South France and I was blown away... I was so surprised to see my last name on a wine bottle from France, it really inspired me to research my heritage, so I started researching where I came from...
 While researching my heritage, I learned that my 5th Generation Great­Grandfather, Blaise LASSERRE, was from France, which inspired me to travel there to continue my research. I can't deny that I was a little afraid to travel out of the country because I had never traveled to another country before. I had all kind of negative thoughts about traveling out of the country, but I remembered reading something that a billionaire wrote which said, "feel the fear and do it anyway" so I did just that. However, I didn't want to travel all the way to France alone, so I searched for a international trade mission in France to be a part of a delegation while I was researching my heritage. In a nutshell, my plan was to travel to France to a trade mission and at some point I was supposed to leave the trade mission and travel down to south France to continue my research, but I temporarily abandoned my plan to research my heritage when it became obvious that I would miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime... I had no clue that what I would discover at the trade mission would change my life forever.
As I boarded the plane for Paris, I was excited and nervous at the same... I arrived in Paris full of energy... To my surprise there were a lot people that spoke the english language... I asked my way around the airport to get my luggage and also to exchange my US dollars for Euros... I found a cab driver and I toured Paris for a few hours, before heading to the train station on my way to Lyon, France... I have to mention that Paris was beautiful... I visited every major place in Paris and I even visited the famous Restaurant "LASSERRE" to take photos...
When I arrived in Lyon, France I took a cab to the Sofi­Tel, which was one of the most luxurious hotels that I have ever been to... I literally felt like royalty...
The next morning I met with the delegation at the Statute of Louis XIV in Lyon, France to take photos... Thereafter, we toured the Basilica Notre Dame de Fourviere and we also toured the Traboules in Lyon, France. Lyon is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been... It reminded me a little bit of the French Quarters in New Orleans, Louisiana...
Later that evening, we attended a Welcoming Ceremony for the Businesses who were participating in the Trade Mission and I was completely blown away... The function resembled something that the United Nations would put together. I literally thought that President Obama was going to come walking out of the back, lol... I had an awesome opportunity to converse with entrepreneurs from all around the world. As we concluded our evening of networking, I decided to head back to the hotel to prepare for the next day's event...
On the following morning, I attended the Futurallia ­ International Business Development Forum, in Lyon, which was the most powerful business event that I've ever attended... There were 39 Countries that participated and over 500 Businesses from all over the World were there to conduct business to business transactions... College students from France had volunteered to be interpreters, for the non­french speaking entrepreneurs like myself... I was so amazed!
Prior to completing my registration, I had no idea that this event was going to be this huge!!! As I walk into the Business Forum, I immediately felt that some type of opportunity would come out
 of this event, but I had no idea what it would be... I was scheduled to meet with 20 companies, but I only sat down with 16... I met with companies from France, Slovenia, Africa, Tunisia, Bahrain etc... just to name a few... And so many opportunities were presented to me, it was unbelievable... When I sat down with, my now business partner, Siebe Hartmans, from France, he mentioned to me that he could help me create a cognac drink... My reply to him was, "let's make it happen"... Seven (7) years later, here I AM!!!

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